Hello! I am a wife, mother, daughter and national television news producer. When my baby girl was born, I also became a “daycare mom,” that is, a working mommy whose daughter is enrolled in full-time child care. That began my journey writing about many of the challenges working parents, and parents in general, face.
Motherhood altered every aspect of my life: my marriage, my career, my priorities and my identity. And while being a parent is a universal experience, it also is a deeply personal one. I knew all about producing news content for millions of households, but had everything to learn about what it meant to be a mother. It has been one of the greatest blessings of my life, but as any mother will attest, it also has tested me physically and emotionally.
Like many new mothers, I have spent a lot of time looking to parenting resources for information about child development, illnesses, socialization, and even simple information, like how to pack for a vacation with a baby.
As a working — and sometimes overwhelmed — mom, I also have researched things like self care and time management.
My website hones in on many of these topics, and while I often write from a personal lens, I also hope to provide engaging, fact-based content. My goal is to offer comfort, support and comprehensive information to parents of young children who are seeking advice, reassurance or even solace.